
Non-Disclosure Form/Payment Card Account

Employee Non-Disclosure Form/ Payment Card Account

*required for Student Unions & Activities retail/ gallery employees

The University of Minnesota's Controller Office is requiring that all that all full-time and student employees who handle, or may handle, credit cards sign an Employee Non-Disclosure/ Payment Card Account form. This includes all retail and gallery student employees as well as specific full-time employees.

The form will be sent to you, if applicable, in your SUA Orientation email. It is incumbent upon you to sign electronically(*), and email back to [email protected] or sign paper copies  that can be sent to Room 500 Coffman Union.          

*Click on the digital signature box (the red arrow) and follow the pop-up prompts to create an electronic signature. Must use Adobe Acrobat and NOT Adobe Reader to sign!

Injury/Incident Report

Injury/Incident Report & Documentation 

Follow the steps indicated to report any injuries or incidents that occur while at work. 

Instructions for Injured University Employees:

  • Must report work-related injuries/illnesses as soon as reasonably possible to their supervisor. If injury occurs outside of normal business hours, immediately report injury to the Building Manager. The Building Manager will assess the situation, assist with arranging proper medical care and begin the injury reporting process.

    • Please contact your Supervisor about the injury/incident report.

Instructions for Patron Injuries:

  • Contact your supervisor and/or building manager immediately.

Leave of Absence Form

Leave of Absence Form

*LOA form is not necessary for winter break unless not coming back for Spring semester! 

If you know you may be absent from work for six consecutive weeks or more, you may need to be placed on a leave of absence.  Leave of absences are available to help balance the work and school responsibilities. 

Your leave of absence must be for one of the following reasons:  study abroad, leaving the U for summer break, health reasons, internships, unique circumstances (approved on a case by case basis).

Your leave of absence CANNOT be for working in another University department (unless it is an internship) during the academic year.

Let your supervisor know 4 weeks before your scheduled return if your plans have changed or confirm your work schedule.

Office for Student Affairs: Student Employee Confidentiality Agreement

Office for Student Affairs: Student Employee Confidentiality Agreement

*Required for ALL employees

The Office for Student Affairs is asking that all student employees sign the Employee Confidentiality Agreement form. 

This form ensures that the employee will treat ALL information accessible to them in the performance of their duties as "Protected Information", regardless of its format (e.g. electronic, paper, oral), unless and until advised otherwise by their supervisor.  Forms are kept in the employee's personnel file and will last the duration of employment in departments within the Office for Student Affairs.   

It is incumbent upon you to sign electronically(*) and email back to [email protected]. Paper copies can be sent to Room 500 Coffman Union.

*Click on the digital signature box (the red arrow) and follow the pop-up prompts to create an electronic signature.

Reference Request & Employee Authorization

Reference Request & Employee Authorization

Complete and submit a signed form to your direct supervisor(s),  it is needed for supervisors to speak on your behalf to future employers or schools.

Reference Request & Student Authorization

Reference Request & Student Authorization

*Note: this form is meant for students who are not paid employees

Complete and submit a signed form to your instructor (LEP/Leadership Minor/ Career Internship Services) or any staff member who was not your direct supervisor. This allows staff who you did not directly work for to speak on your behalf to future employers or schools.