Engage with SUA!


Ben Van Handel Scholarship

Ben Van Handel Outstanding Service Award

Student Unions & Activities student employees have the opportunity to receive the BVH Outstanding Service Award at the Spring Student Employee Recognition Banquet each year. 

Supervisors and student employees will be able to nominate individuals for this award who demonstrate outstanding work, customer service, teamwork, and/or initiative. 

Nomination forms are completed during the Spring Semester, so keep an eye out for emails regarding the BVH scholarship from [email protected]. 

Please make sure to fill the nomination form out completely. All student employees and staff making nominations must forward the form to the nominee's direct supervisor for signature.

For sample statements used in past recipient's nomination forms, click here.

Volunteer for Events

Join the Gold Group!

The Gold Group is a team of students that volunteer their time to promote and facilitate Student Unions & Activities events. Gold Group members are compensated with perks including free food, Gopher Gold™, tickets to Spring Jam™, and more. If you are interested in joining Gold Group, submit interest now!

Join the SUA Board of Governors

SUA Board of Governors

The Board of Governors (BOG) serves as a voice for students in the policies and operations of Student Unions & Activities. Through the Board’s leadership, the student unions are able to adapt to the changing needs of the campus community by adding services, lobbying successfully for renovations and increasing hours of operation.

The Board meets every Thursday during the academic year at 4:00 pm in the Coffman Memorial Union Board Room or at the St. Paul Student Center.

Personal Wellness Spaces

Reserve a Personal Wellness Space!

Spaces are now available for individual students who wish to engage in wellbeing practices, such as private telehealth appointments, relaxation, de-stressing, meditation, or prayer. Spaces are open in Coffman Memorial Union between 8:00am and 3:00pm. 

Reserve a space and find more information about the Wellbeing Spaces at z.umn.edu/suawellbeingbooking. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Welcome Desk ([email protected]) or Beth Galatis, Building Services Director ([email protected]).

of student employees would recommend working at Student Unions & Activities.
of student employees reported a positive effect on their career development.
of student employees reported a positive effect on their personal life.