Student Development Program

Student Development Program Components

Student Development Program

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SUA Orientation (Part 1 - Canvas Course)

New student employees are required to complete a high level orientation course through Canvas. Invitations for the course are typically sent within 1-2 weeks from when new students begin employment. The course consists of a high-level overview of our department, and includes information and resources that are valuable and useful while working in your position. It is expected that you complete your orientation within the first couple of weeks of employment. 

SDO Workshop (Part 2 - SDO Deep Dive)

In this hour-long workshop, SDOs will be presented and discussed in-depth. You will learn how SDOs relate to your career in Student Unions & Activities, how they can be used to enhance your resume, prepare you for future job interviews, and how to build valuable skills for career readiness. New student employees typically attend this mandatory workshop approximately 4-6 weeks after starting employment with SUA. Workshops are led by student facilitators, and provide opportunities for discussion and learning activities.

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SDO Conversations

A conversation worksheet is always provided and includes a set of questions to encourage a deeper dive into the SDO by having intentional conversations. What are intentional conversations? They are guided and thoughtful conversations that are different from a typical one-on-one meeting. The intentional conversations are structured and meant to discuss goals, issues or concerns that are directly related to the specific SDO for that week. These conversations are meant for identifying opportunities for growth or improvement, and for continuing important skill-building and development throughout a student employee’s career.


92.43% of students in 2022-2023 said that the conversations and meetings they had with their supervisor helped with their skill development

Process Summary

  • SDO Focus Weeks will begin toward the middle of each semester and will last for seven weeks.
  • Watch for email communications from Student Unions & Activities HR (SUA HR) that include “SDO Focus Week,” and a worksheet for your SDO conversation.
  • We recommend meetings approximately 10 minutes in length, more or less depending on needs, that can be stand-alone or included with regular one-on-one meetings.
  • Take notes, track accomplishments and create SDO goals using the provided templates.

(Image from

Performance Development Process

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What is the PDP?

The performance development process centers around regular conversations with your supervisor to discuss your performance, goals, and progress. Evaluations occur twice per year; mid-year PDPs occur at the end of fall semester while annual PDPs occur at the end of spring semester. 

Mid-Year PDP

The mid-year Performance Development Process is an opportunity for students to check in with their supervisors to discuss their performance in relation to the 7 SDOs, focus on goal-setting for the upcoming semester, and address any questions, concerns, or issues regarding their position and/or performance. The mid-year PDP form is not required, however, we strongly recommend using it as a resource to help guide conversations. 

Annual Spring PDP

The annual PDP form is required for all SUA Student employees to complete, offering the opportunity to reflect on their performance and development within the 7 SDOs. Supervisors meet with their students to review and discuss the student’s completed form. Feedback from this process allows students to identify their strengths, opportunities for growth, and set goals. It is also a great time to celebrate successes and growth within SDOs.

Student Development Program Feedback

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Annual SDO Survey

Toward the end of spring semester, SUA partners with University Survey & Assessment Services to conduct a comprehensive SDO survey. The survey provides an opportunity for students to anonymously share their feedback regarding their experience and development with SDOs. SUA uses the data collected to determine the impact that SDOs have on students’ work experience and development opportunities in addition to assisting with future programming design and planning. Student feedback on SDOs and SUA’s programming is critical to the success of future programming and to ensure that the work we do to develop our students is impactful.

Survey Feedback

91.6% of SUA Student Employees in 2022-2023 said that working at Student Unions & Activities helped them understand how the skills they have learned can be transferred into other careers


96.63% of SUA Student Employees in 2022-2023 agreed that working at Student Unions & Activities had a positive impact on their professional development
